Making Macarons | Apple Macaron Recipe

I made apple macarons with deliciously sweet and fragrant apples sandwiched between the toasted cocoa powder and apples The taste of the toasted cocoa powder and apples goes well with a little cocoa powder, and you can enjoy it as it contains boiled apple. It goes well with cream cheese and is delicious even frozen. It’s a macaron that I made in a different way, but the appearance is beautiful and the taste is delicious.


1 apple

40g sugar

2g cornstarch
5g lemon juice

50g almond powder

40g powdered sugar

2g cocoa powder

40g egg whites

40g sugar

25 g unsalted butter

20g powdered sugar

35g cream cheese

1/8ts vanilla beans


1. Put the chopped apples, sugar and cornstarch in a pot and cook, stirring until the steam is gone and the consistency is thick, then add the lemon juice and cook a little more.

2. Using a 3.5cm round mold, add boiled apples to shape and then put them in the freezer.

3. Sift almond powder, sugar powder, cocoa powder.

4. When whisking egg whites see large bubbles rise, divide the sugar and beat to form a stiff meringue.

5. Sift the flour again, mix well and make macaronage, when the dough is heavy and dripping, put it in the ice cream bag.

6. Place it on the oven pan, flatten it, and dry at room temperature until it forms a non-stick coating to the touch.

7. Beat the unsalted butter just enough, add the powdered sugar and beat until thick, then add cream cheese and vanilla bean paste and beat until white to form a cream.

8. Squeeze some ice cream on the kokkeu, place a frozen apple on top, squeeze the cream, place another kokkeu on top, sand it and let it cool in the fridge.