Ice Cream Waterfall | How To Make Nutella Cake

I made a Nutella cake where the cream flows like a waterfall when you put the mousse on top! Pancakes with Nutella and whipped cream with Nutella are delicious and tempting. Place the high mousse strip on top of the cake, whip the cream thinly and then put it on top, if you remove the mousse before eating the ice cream, it will overflow and look fun and delicious. I attached two strips of 7cm mousse, cut the bottom to fit and used. I sifted the cut cake through a sieve to get the dough and put it on top of the icing. It’s relatively simple and delicious, so I think it’s a good cake to make and eat


155 g eggs

60g sugar

2g vanilla extract

30g unsalted butter

45g milk

50g almonds

90g soft flour

15g cocoa powder

220g fresh cream

50g almonds


1. Put the egg in a pot of hot water, add sugar and vanilla and stir until the temperature reaches 40 degrees.

2. Use an electric mixer to beat until thick ivory foam, then sift in flour and cocoa powder and mix well.

3. Put a little flour in a bowl with melted butter, milk and Nutella (temperature 50-60 degrees), mix well, add to the main flour, mix well, pour into the mold, bake in the preheated oven at 170 degrees for 30-35 minutes and then let it cool. .

4. Cut off the bottom of the cooled cake, pass the cut cake through a sieve to form a dough.

5. Place the mousse on top of the cake and attach the ribbon in the center.

6. Place whipped cream and Nutella in a bowl and beat until fluffy.

7. Place the cream and cake sheet on top of the cake and cover with chocolate and powdered sugar.