An Easy And Perfect Choice | How To Make Egg Tart

I made the custard tart which is crispier and tastier because of the raw texture. This part of the dough is simpler than other pastry flours and the way to make it is also interesting, so I like it very much. I can knead the dough without difficulty, but the texture is thin and layers well, so I think it’s a satisfying tart. Even when the dough is rolled, it puffs up well and you can feel the crunch, and it goes well with soft and moist custard. I would really recommend it to anyone who loves crunchy tarts. The degree of baking may vary depending on the oven, so it would be better if you adjust it while looking at the color after 30 minutes. Out of all the egg tarts I’ve made, this recipe looks and tastes the best.

♥ Ingredient

All-purpose flour 150g

35g unsalted butter

65 g water

2g salt

3g sugar

80g unsalted butter

6 egg yolks

135g sugar

25g cornstarch

370g fresh cream

250g milk

8g vanilla beans

♥ Formula

1. Put cold unsalted butter into the all-purpose flour, mix the butter and flour with your hands into small crumbs, add sugar and salt to the cold water, mix well, mix well.

2. Spread the dough thinly, spread it with soft unsalted butter, divide the dough into 3 parts, cover with cling film and let the dough harden in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

3. Take out the hard dough, spread it evenly, apply unsalted soft butter, fold it into 3 parts, put it in the fridge to harden for about 30 minutes, take out and spread it evenly and apply unsalted butter.

4. Roll out the dough, wrap it in cling film and let it harden in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

5. Add sugar to egg yolks, mix well, add cornstarch and mix well, then add slightly condensed milk, fresh cream, vanilla and mix well.

6. Strain through a sieve and put in a cup to prepare.

7. Butter the muffin pan, cut the dough into 12 equal parts, place each loaf into the mold, and press with your hands to fit the muffin pan.

8. Fill the filling about 90% and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.