Rich And Moist Chocolate Sponsor | Melted Dark Chocolate

We are presenting delicious recipes that even beginners can easily make. This recipe is chocolate finance. Unlike ordinary financiers with cocoa powder. I made it by melting balorona dark chocolate. The chocolate goes into the dough for a moister and thicker texture. It’s really delicious because it goes well with Financier’s unique crispy crust.

♥ Ingredient

For 11 pieces

Light butter 78g

Egg white 90g

56g sugar

Starch syrup 7g

Almond powder 56g

Wheat flour 21g

Baking powder 1g

Black pepper powder 47g

♥ Recipe

1. Place room-temperature butter in a saucepan and heat to make hazelnut butter and leave for a while until used.

2. Put egg whites in a bowl, add sugar and starch syrup, gently mix with a whisk until foamy.

3. Sift the almond flour, all-purpose flour, and baking powder and mix with a whisk until no more flour is visible.

4. Add dark chocolate melted at 50 degrees and mix with a whisk.

5. Add the hazelnut butter that has been adjusted to the temperature of about 60 degrees and mix well until completely combined without sticking to your hands.

6. Fill the mold with about 8-90% flour and bake in the preheated oven at 200 degrees for 7 minutes and 180 degrees for 7 minutes. Baked Financi can be eaten with a crispy outside on the same day, and if it’s cooled completely and covered with plastic or locknlock, the crispiness will disappear and moisture will circulate everywhere, leaving both sides. both outside and inside are moist.

7. Storage: You can enjoy deliciously for up to 5 days at cool room temperature. If you want to keep it for a long time, wrap it well and keep it in the fridge.