Dojima Roll Making Fresh Cream Cake | Soft & Fluffy Japanese Swiss Roll

Today, the most basic of rolls. I made a Dojima roll style cake covered with whipped cream. It is made by beating the yolks and whites separately. I used canola oil instead of butter, so the foam is much less when mixing the dough. I think even beginners can do it relatively easily. It’s an ordinary roll cake, nothing special It’s a recipe that makes me think it’s delicious every time I make it. Be sure to make it yourself!

♥ Ingredient

 Square fan 30cm wide x 30cm long : Preheat oven to 170 degrees. In the case of a small oven, if you open and close the door once, the temperature inside the oven drops significantly, so it is better to preheat to a much higher temperature than 170 degrees. Keep whipped cream and mascarpone chilled in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Banh Cuon Plate

70 g yolk

25g sugar,

50g milk

40g canola oil

80g flour

140g egg whites

60g sugar

♥ Recipe

1. Spread the parchment paper over the frame and sift the soft flour first.

2. Put the egg yolks at room temperature in a large bowl, add the sugar and mix with a whisk.

3. Tilt the bowl and use an electric mixer to beat the yolks until the yolks are white and thickened. The harder you hit, the more air gets in and the lighter and denser the color. It may take a little longer and is difficult to do by hand. If you have multiple hand mixer blades, use a hand mixer.

4. Add milk and canola oil and mix well with a hand mixer.

5. Add the sifted soft flour and mix with a whisk until no lumps remain.

6. Place the cooled egg whites in another bowl, divide the sugar in three and beat with a whisk. Beat until you reach about 90% that you have soft hard horns and do not sag when lifted. Reasons for using cold egg whites: The lower the temperature, the slower the egg whites hatch, but the thicker and firmer the meringues are.

7. First, add only 1/3 of the meringue to the yolks and mix gently with a whisk. When you’re done mixing, remove the whisk.

8. Add all the remaining meringue and gently mix with a spatula until the ingredients are completely mixed.

9. Pour all the dough into a pan lined with parchment paper. Flatten the surface with a scraper. If you touch the dough too much here, all the air bubbles in the sheet will disappear, resulting in sticky and less dough, so be careful.

10. Bake at 170 degrees for 13 to 15 minutes. Baking temperature and time may vary depending on your oven. In the case of a regular oven, not a convection oven, bake it at about 10 degrees higher than where I bake it.

11. Drop the baked sheet into the mold to release the steam, then remove it from the mold and move it onto the cooling grid. Remove parchment from face and let cool until just lukewarm. Letting it cool at room temperature for too long can cause the roll to tear or crack when rolled. Preferably it’s warm when you touch it. If you only need to leave the paper at room temperature for a while, cover the paper with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from escaping.


340g fresh cream

50g mascarpone

20g sugar

25g condensed milk

1. Put cold cream, mascarpone cheese, sugar and condensed milk in a bowl, beat with ice. Pour the entire cream into the roll cake pan and roll it up.

2. Harden in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours with parchment paper to shape.

Storage : Store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to enjoy the best. Store in an airtight container so that the cream and sheet do not dry out.