It’s Easy With Just One Frame | Make A Basic Madeleine

Here is a basic madeleine cake made this time without spoiling. Madeleines are very easy to make and the ingredients are very simple. That’s why when I first learn to bake, I’m often confused. Even a small mistake can fail.

♥ Ingredient

A total of 6 madeleines

1 egg

1/3 cup sugar 50g

Half cup of tapioca 50g

50g unsalted butter

A pinch of salt 1g

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2g

Half a teaspoon of baking powder 2g

Storage method

Can be stored at room temperature for a week

Can be stored for 2 weeks when refrigerated

Freeze for long term storage

♥ Recipe

1. Madeleine texture is too faint. Too much dough in the mold. Depends on the manufacturer and type of madeleine mold

2. No strong powder. Soft flour can be replaced with medium flour.

3. Hard to separate from Madel mold. If the butter is not well spread or undercooked

4. Is it okay to cut down on sugar? Can reduce about 5g but if you reduce too much, it will not be moist.

5. Madeleine is sticky and greasy. You put too much butter in the mold. When mixing butter into flour, mix less.

6. Madeleine too spread. Refrigerator is too short or wrong ingredients are measured

7. Why is powdered tissue used? It is easier to handle the dough with tissue paper. My navel is a little better

8. Why do madeleines cool after baking and then separate. After cooling, separate for even drop and nice appearance.

9. Madeleine is too flat. If the baking temperature is low, it will come out low.

10. Madeleine has a lot of holes. If the dough is too thick, or after letting it rest, fold the dough again.