Never Had Such Delicious Cake Before | Extremely Moist And Soft

Never had such delicious cake before! extremely moist and soft ! Hurricane cake.

♥ Ingredients

(4 tsp) Cocoa powder

15ml (1 tbsp) Water

65ml (5 tbsp) Milk

50ml (4 tbsp) Cooking oil

75g (0.6 cup) Cake flour

5 Eggs

2g Lemon juice

65g (5 tbsp) Sugar

Cake pan size 18cm/7cm

150°C (300°F) Bake for 50 minutes

♥ Recipe

1. 65 ml (5 tbsp) milk, 50 ml (4 tbsp) cooking oil. Mix
75 grams (0.6 cups) cake flour, 5 eggs, separate whites and yolks, 5 egg yolks added to dough. Mix.

2. 10 grams (4 teaspoons) cocoa powder, 15 ml (1 tablespoon) water. Mix. Add a few drops of lemon juice to 5 egg whites.

3. Add 1/3 of the sugar when large fisheye bubbles appear, 65 grams (5 tablespoons) total. Continue beating at medium-high speed, adding 1/3 of the sugar when small fisheye bubbles appear. Continue beating at medium-high speed and add the remaining 1/3 of the sugar when the texture is visible. Switch to medium-low speed and beat until soft peaks form.

4. Take 1/3 of the meringue and add it to the dough. Mix. Pour in remaining meringue. Mix. Take about 170 grams of cake flour. Add cocoa powder. Mix.

5. Cake mold size 18 cm/7 cm . Pour the original cake batter first. Then pour the chocolate cake batter on top. Use a spatula to draw lines along the edge of the baking tray. Bake in the bottom center preheated oven at 150°C (300°F) for 50 minutes.

6. Remove from oven, shake well and invert to cool. Let it cool and then open the mold. What a beautiful cake, cut it and enjoy.