Korean Tornado Gimbap Recipe | Vegetable Gimbap | Pretty and Delicious

Gimbap is easy to eat and has a lot of nutritional value, so it is a food that Koreans often eat. I modified it a little from the general shape and made it into a tornado shape. It looks pretty and tastes really good. Ingredients that are difficult to obtain can be changed according to local circumstances. It is an ingredient that can make a total of 5 rows, and it is for 5-6 people.

[5 rows / 5 servings]

✤ Ingredients

_Rice 1kg (200g each)

+7g(0.7Tbsp) Salt

+4g(1Tbsp) Sesame seeds

+16g(2Tbsp) Sesame oil

_12.5 sheets Seaweed

_200g Chives

+2g(0.6tsp) Salt

+2g(0.5Tbsp) Sesame seeds

+8g(1Tbsp) Sesame oil

_200g Fish cake (2sheets)

+8g(1Tbsp) Soy Sauce

+8g(0.5Tbsp) Honey (or oligosaccharide)

_100g carrots

+ 3 pinches of salt

_150g red cabbage

+ 4 pinches of salt

_4 eggs

+ 4 pinches of salt

_5rows Pickled radish

_5~6 rows Burdock (fried in soy sauce)

_4~5 rows Crab sticks

✤ Recipe

1. 200g Blanched chives (poached spinach, raw cucumber available), 2g (0.7tsp) Salt, 2g (0.5Tbsp) Roasted sesame seeds, 4g (1Tbsp) Sesame oil. Gently mix it. 4 eggs, 4 pinches of salt, a little cooking oil.

2. After coating the pan with cooking oil, low heat. When the top is cooked, flip it over. After cooling completely, chop. 100g (2sheet) Fish cake, all ingredients are shredded.

3. 100g Carrots, 150g Red cabbage. Cooking oil, 4 pinches of salt. Fry for a crisp taste. 3 pinches of salt, carrots are also cooked crispy.

4. Fish cake, when the fish cake is soft, 8g (1Tbp) Soy sauce, 8g (0.5Tbsp) Honey (oligosaccharide possible), egg, chives, carrot, red cabbage, pickled radish, crab meat, fish cake, burdock (simmered in soy sauce). If you want to empty your head, make gimbap.

5. 1kg Rice (5 serving). 7g (0.7Tbsp) Salt, 4g (1Tbsp) Roasted sesame seeds, 16g (2Tbsp) Sesame oil and mix. If the sesame seeds are well dispersed, they are well mixed.

6. Seaweed, after crushing the rice grains at the end, extend the length with seaweed cut in half, 200g Rice. Spread the rice flat, cover again with a sheet of seaweed. Arrange the ingredients while, spreading them to the same thickness as the rice. Be careful not to add too many ingredients.

7. Roll the eggs first and roll them gently. Without pushing the ingredients, gently wind them up without strength. Glue the ends while mashing the rice, sesame oil. Very Korean Gimbap scenery.