2 Different Egg Toasts in One Pan | Perfect for Breakfast | Super Time-Saving!

You can make two different kinds of egg toasts at the same time in one pan. You can save time and enjoy the different tastes together.

Ingredients :

Sliced bread

3 Eggs

Green onion (Optional)

Ham and Cheese

Bacon, Cheese, Tomatoes and Vegetables


1. Rolling Tomato, come, Green onion, cut. Butter, if your butter is not soft, put it in the microwave for a second.

2. Cook bacon in advance.Sizzling. Sizzling, egg boys. Make them get along well with each other, 1/3 Teaspoon of salt, fresh milk 3 tablespoons. Mix.

3. Low heat, cooking oil. Perfect ways how to check if the pan is preheated. Egg mixture. Adding milk makes it softer, green onion, sliced bread. Put it on the egg, apply butter on the bread. Preparation before action, turn it over!.

4. Cheese, ham, cheese, again, delicious bacon, fresh tomato, a little salt, a little pepper. Fold the egg, cover it with the bread. Cut the egg in the middle, one more time, butter. Delicious smell of buttered toast!! Wow!! Crispy! Crispy!. The middle is hotter. Move it to cook evenly. Move to the plate. If you want to add some fresh veggies, turn it over. On this side toast and egg are not attached. Open it. Add veggies. Cover it.