I Love Banana With Caramel And Cream | Banofi Pie Banofee Pie Recipe

The cake is made by grinding whole grain bread. Banana and Dulce de Leche. And combine whipped cream. If you just do Dulce de Leche, you can do it very, very easily. It’s not too sweet and it’s delicious. Please try to do it!

♥ Ingredient

150g Graham Crackers

75g melted butter

32g sugar

Three and a half medium sized bananas

260g dulce de leche

360g fresh cream

36g sugar

2g vanilla extract

3g instant coffee powder

♥ Recipe

1. Put the biscuits in a zippered bag and break it into small pieces using a rolling pin.

2. Add melted butter and sugar and mix until the cake is evenly wet.

3. Press the cake into the mold to fix it firmly

4. Bake in oven at 160 degrees for 15 minutes.

5. Cut the banana into 2~2.5cm . thick pieces

6. Fill the inside of the cake with sliced bananas.

7. Place Dulce de Leche on top of banana and spread evenly with a spatula.

8. Make ice cream by whisking whipped cream, sugar, vanilla extract and coffee powder together. If you want to use coarse powdered coffee like Maxim rather than fine powdered coffee like me, warm up a little whipping cream, beat the coffee powder, let it cool, put on whipped cream and whip again. Skip the coffee powder and just whip the whipped cream! Make it to your liking

9. Spread cream on top of cake to give it a natural shape. Preservation: Because it is fresh fruit, it is best to leave it the next day after making it. You can keep it in the refrigerator.