[No oil, No oven] Don’t Buy Bread If You Have Peanut Butter At Home | Delicious and Easy!

No oil, no oven, make this bread if you have peanut butter at home! Very tasty and easy. Enjoy, the outside is crispy and the inside is declared soft.

📢 Ingredients

180ml (3/4 cup) Water

3g (1 tsp) Yeast

13g (1 tbsp) Sugar

300g (2 cups) All-purpose flour/wheat flour3g (1/2 tsp) Salt

Peanut butter

Black pepper

📢 Recipe

1. 180 ml (3/4 cup) of water, 3 grams (1 teaspoon) yeast, 13 grams (1 tablespoon) sugar. Stir well, you can let it rest until 5 minutes so that the yeast has been activated, 300 grams (2 cups) of all-purpose flour/wheat flour, 3 grams (1/2 teaspoon) salt. Mix into dough. Knead into a smooth dough. Cover the dough and let it rise for about 1 hour.

2. After 1 hour, the dough has fermented very well, transfer the dough to a mat and flatten it to exhaust. Sprinkle some flour to prevent sticking. Roll out the dough into a large sheet. Spread a layer of salted peanut butter on top of the dough sheet, remember to sprinkle some salt if you use unsalted peanut butter, sprinkle some black pepper. Roll it up from one side and roll it into a long strip. Roll it up and pinch it tight.

3. Divide into 6 parts, if you make a small one you can divide it a little more. Take out a portion of dough, pinch the sides tightly, then pinch the four corners inward to form a ball. Continue to pinch each portion. Flatten it and brush the surface with water. Dip it in sesame seeds, omit if you don’t have it. Set them aside, if you bake them in the oven, remember to let them rise for about 30 minutes.

4. Heat the pan on low heat and add a little cooking oil to the pan, add the dough. Heat on low heat, cover with lid and cook for about 5 minutes, then turn over and continue to cook with the lid on. After about 4 minutes, remove the lid and flip. It smells so good, so tempting. You can press it with a spatula, if it springs back immediately, it’s cooked.