If You Make This Recipe You Won’t Be Able To Stop Eating It Untill It’s All Gone |Sweet and Chewy Snack | Rice Cake and Chocolate Sauce Recipe

You can use milk instead of water.(If you make it with milk, it is more savory and delicious!). After completion, it is much better to eat it cold (refrigerated for 30 minutes) than to eat it right away while it is hot!. Adjust the amount of sugar according to your taste. (In case you reduce the amount of sugar, you need to add a little more water. Total is about 26 pieces.


33g of sugar

1 teaspoon of salt

Glutinous rice flour 200g

230g of lukewarm water

* chocolate sauce

Milk chocolate 40g

2 tablespoons of milk

1/2 tablespoon of sugar


1. In a glass bowl, 33g of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt] . Today’s star! [Glutinous rice flour 200g. Mix them lightly.

2. Pour 230g of lukewarm water, all we have to do now is just mixing. Mix diligently until the raw powder and lumps are gone. If it looks like it’ll have a white taste after mixing well, it’s ​done!

3. Shall we turn on the gas, drawing cooking oil on the pan, scoop up about 12g of batter, pour an appropriate amount. It is appropriate to pour 4-6 pieces at a time. 2 minutes and 30 seconds on low heat, flip them now. If it’s little yellowish when you flip it over, it’s okay. Cook for 2 minutes after turning over.

4. After 2 minutes, check the condition of the back side. It’s done, when it turns golden brown. Shall I take them out now? Mini rice cake is here. I need sauce to dip them in.

5. Making chocolate sauce. Pour an appropriate amount of water in the pan. Place the heat-resistant container on top of the water. Add Milk chocolate 40g, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar. When the water boils, mix the ingredients. When everything melts and becomes a thin sauce, it’s done.

6. With the sweet chocolate sauce, the rice cake’s taste becomes more fantastic. Instead of chocolate sauce, honey is good, too. Mini honey rice cake. The rice cake is more chewy and delicious if you eat it cold (30 minutes in the fridge).